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Archaeognatha Börner, 1904
EOL Text
The jumping bristletails can be found throughout the world. Their name comes from the ability to jump about 25 cm. at a time. They can survive in various environments ranging from the desert to the arctic. They prefer to live under leaf litter and feed on algae. They live up to about four years and grow up to about 15 mm. long. They have scales, antennae, and three-pronged tails. Their abdomen has eversible vesicles attached, which absorb water. Their exoskeletons are thin and the vesicles prevent dehydration. They undergo simple metamorphosis. They attach themselves to a substrate before molting. They molt their entire live, through both the youth and adult stages. The young take about two years to become sexually mature. After mating, a female will lay about thirty eggs at one time. They can be found at night by shining a flashlight for about fifteen minutes on a spot with leaf litter. The archaeognatha will be drawn to the light.
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Rights holder/Author | Rhianna Hruska, Rhianna Hruska |
Source | No source database. |
Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) Stats
Specimen Records:497
Specimens with Sequences:369
Specimens with Barcodes:356
Species With Barcodes:20
Public Records:341
Public Species:18
Public BINs:63
Collection Sites: world map showing specimen collection locations for Archaeognatha
This order of wingless insects consists of about 350 known species. They hide under bark, in litter, and in rock crevices, and feed on algae, lichens, and vegetable debris.
Oldest fossil considered as Archaeognatha is from the Devonian (390 million years old) from Gaspé, Québec (Labandeira et al., 1988). However, there is little evidence that this fossil is a member of Archaeognatha; it may instead be a member of the stem-group of insects or of stem-Dicondylia.
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Rights holder/Author | Tree of Life web project |
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Recent archaeognathans share two notable derived features:
- Compound eyes enlarged, medially contiguous
- Specialized musculature of abdomen, which allows them to jump by a rapid downward bending
Their abdominal segments bear styles, which are small appendages moveable by muscles. They can be seen underneath the abdomen in the following picture:
Styli may be remnants of ancestral limbs.
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Rights holder/Author | Tree of Life web project |
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